Statement of Purpose

Trentham Mews Medical Centre is a GMS practice based in the community of Trentham and Hanford in Stoke on Trent. The registered manager for the service is Dr Jane McPherson. We aim to improve the health and well-being of the practice population by providing general medical practice services to our registered patients living within this area. This includes: Long Term Condition Management: Asthma, COPD, Diabetes & Heart Failure. Maternity Care: The practice adheres to the guidelines provide by the midwifery service which are implemented by our attached midwives. Womens Health: Contraception advice, family planning (emergency contraception) cervical smears and advice re: the menopause. Vaccinations and Immunisations: Travel and childhood immunisations. Minor Surgery: A wide range of minor operations including the removal of moles, warts and other skin lumps, injection of varicose veins and cryotherapy (freezing) for verrucas etc. Health promotion and disease prevention: which includes long term management annual reviews and education. In addition to this we can offer Smoking Cessation support.